CDE Academy Online Journal Club

Price: R92.00

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The CDE Academy Journal Club

Behind the Veil: Journeys in Chronic Health Care with Dr Stan Landau and Team
Dr Stan Landau
CDE Academy Medical Lead and Journal Club facilitator

In demonstrating our commitment to transforming medical education, the CDE Academy has refreshed the traditional ‘journal club’ format. Historically this learning opportunity was passive in the manner in which knowledge was transmitted, and audience participation was usually limited.

To extract the best learning possible from this 60-minute session, we will incorporate many elements grounded in contemporary adult educational practice.

We recognise that adult learners:

  • already know much about the field in which they work;
  • have professional experiences that are worth sharing with others;
  • are motivated to learn new things that interest them and
  • will take responsibility for their own learning if given the opportunity.

Modern day learning is grounded in a social context, and some learnings are better when undertaken together.

Our rich and diverse diabetes network is in itself a community of practice. As described by Wenger-Trayner “communities of practice are groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly.”

Rather than rely on the expertise of a single ‘sage on the stage’, you as the audience will be an active part of the learningexperience.

In the days before we meet, we will supply you with articles that will provide a backdrop to the discussion.

Read them. Reflect on them…

Then, come to the session with your thoughts and questions prepared, ready for a group-wide discussion facilitated by our hosts and their expert guests.  The articles chosen will cover topics that are in the domain of diabetes medicine right now and have a bearing on your clinical practice.

We envisage that the social nature of the sessions will in part mirror your own team-based practice, where various disciplines connect and share learnings with the intention of producing the best and safest client outcomes.

We aim to improve insight and chronic care in the fields of diabetes and cardiovascular risk management by

  • enhancing your learnings around diabetes related themes,
  • offering relevant, pragmatic content to the broader multidisciplinary healthcare team involved in practicing diabetes medicine, and
  • developing a community of committed health care professionals across many geographies that can share a rich diversity of clinical experiences.
  • Sessions will be interactive
  • You have a say on what you would like to discuss in future sessions
  • Each session will feature an expert guest, who will add their knowledge, clinical experience and insight to the topic under discussion.

Initially, they will take place monthly. If we meet your clinical and learning needs, we will increase the frequency.

Our first session airs on Tuesday 17th August from 19h30 to 20h30.

To mark the launch of this ‘Master-level’ learning series, the first 3 Journal Clubs are free so please take advantage of this offer. Thereafter, a nominal charge will apply.

  • You will receive a link to the session
  • you will receive 1 or more articles on which the session will be based. We recommend that you read through the resources supplied and consider the questions that accompany them, to augment your existing knowledge and reflect on your own experiences around the topic reviewed. During the session, salient points of the article as well as case presentations will be discussed. An expert guest speaker will then share his/her clinical experiences and insights with us.
  • You will be given the opportunity to submit any questions you may have prior to the meeting. These may include asking for any additional knowledge you would be interested in gaining, or reflecting on an experience that you may want to share.
  • We also encourage active participation, so there will also be time for you to ask your questions during the session.
  • After the session, you will receive a final clinical article related to the topic discussed to enhance your daily practice.
  • Each session will be accredited for one (1) Continuing Education Unit – 1 CEU per hour (University of Pretoria, Faculty of Health Sciences application submitted. Activity Number to be advised).
  • To earn your CPD points, you will need to login 5 minutes before the session starts and complete a short survey at the end of the session before logging off. This survey will assist us in ensuring that these sessions create value and enhance your clinical performance.
  • A single CPD Certificate will be emailed to all attendees following our final session for the year. This will reflect the total number of CDE Academy Online Journal Club 1-hour sessions that you attended.

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